Friday, February 25, 2011

Hey guys,

Kaelin and I are off to Hong Kong tomorrow morning until March 8th, and I don't think we'll have a chance to update until after we're back.

To tide everyone over (because I know that you people have absolutely nothing better to do than compulsively check our blog every minute of every day) I thought I would post about a bunch of stuff that hasn't really merited a post of its own, but is still cool. That being said, I now introduce you to the post of random Singapore stuff!

1) Cynthia and Neil (Kaelin's aunt and uncle) are super cool
Joss - looking cool on the tiles
Cynthia and Neil are who we've been staying with in Singapore and they have been super awesome to us. We've been introduced to all sorts of cool food including $2 cafeteria food that is delicious (take that Guelph!) and pizzas with all sorts of crazy toppings. We've had some very nice food as well, but it's nowhere near as interesting to write about as cafeteria food that costs pennies, is delicious and that there it far too much of to finish in one sitting. We also had the most hilarious experience of phoning up a pizza place on a Friday night only to be told that we could not, in fact, order pizzas because "We are overwhelming". Any one else ever tried to order pizzas only to be told that the pizza place was too busy?

Cynthia and Neil also have four cats, which is excellent for me since it means that I get my cat fix while I'm away from Lola. Cynthia and Neil are camera shy, but since their cats aren't, and know that they are meant to be famous and adored by everyone, you will instead get pictures of them.
Jade - She has no tail, but is super awesome
Nikki - sleeping in his favourite spot
Ripley - being the indelicate girl that she is
2) I force Kaelin to be attacked by statues far too often
Exhibit A:

"Stick your hand in the fountain and look like you're in pain!"
Exhibit B:
"Climb on that statue and be scared!"
I love that she does, but I'm not entirely sure why she does...

3) There is a lot of random stuff in Singapore
This should really be divided up into multiple categories, but it is getting late and that will be my excuse for laziness.
They have buildings with spikes
People use odd means to trim tree branches
They have indoor skating rinks made of plastic. Also, Singaporeans cannot skate.
They sell meat squares and medallions
There is a "football pitch" "floating" in the water. Why? Because they can!
4) We make fools of ourselves everywhere and maybe do stuff that we shouldn't
Exhibit A:
(Also filed under weird stuff in Singapore since these are British phone booths)
"Oh yeah!"
Trying to do a "sexy" pose, but laughing at myself instead

Exhibit B:
Me climbing a water fountain staircase that I probably shouldn't be
Not really sure about this...
Doing it anyhow

Exhibit C:
"Grr! We too are merlions!"
Exhibit D:
Feet eaten by fish!

Kaelin was the flavour of the month!

This technically shouldn't be here since it's not something that we shouldn't do, and Kaelin put up a video of it, but it's still super cool!

5) We sometimes look like we've been photoshopped into pictures

6) Singapore has an amazing skyline

There you have it! A collection of random things about Singapore that expanded far beyond my original intent; I guess Singapore is just that cool.

I hope that all of you have a lovely week. Kaelin and I will be back on or around the 8th with tales of our travels to Hong Kong!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sentosa Island

Yesterday, Erica and I went exploring on Sentosa Island, home to one of the city's majestic merlions. We had a great time, although we got rained on for part of it and had no umbrella! One incredible part of the day was our journey to the island. Although we could have walked, taken a cab, or taken the MRT, we chose to venture across the harbour on a cable car. The view was phenomenal, and believe me when I say, I really did feel like I was 120m above sea level. Not for those who do not enjoy heights!

Journey to Sentosa

Our first stop on Sentosa was to visit the 37 meter tall merlion (the tallest merlion in Singapore). Tourists can pay a fee and ascend to the merlion's mouth and head, so obvious we did! The view from the top was great!
Sentosa Merlion
Erica and I inside the mouth of the merlion
After visiting the merlion, we headed over to a "fish spa" where we knew we would experience a very  interesting skin care technique. We dipped our feet into a pool filled with "Doctor Fish", and for twenty minutes, were essentially fish food! Watching the fish and feeling their movements was really strange!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Look: bamboo! The background for our blog is justified now.
Hey guys,

Erica here. We seem to be getting better at the whole posting thing: three posts in two days! I apologise in advance for the photo dump that this is going to be; we went to the bird sanctuary and zoo and I went snap-happy. I absolutely adore zoos and the Singapore Zoo is the best zoo I've ever been to. It was absolutely insane how close you could get to some of the animals.

Before I get started on the zoo pictures I want to clarify something from Kaelin's last post: that ridiculous face I was making was for this weird flower:
I mean, seriously? Who wouldn't make a face at a flower like that?
Now onto the animals!
We went to the bird sanctuary first, which was much cooler than I expected. I'm not huge on birds, but these birds were awesome!
This pelican just wanted to be a tourist like the rest of us.
"Fear my wings and my weird throat pouch thing!"

"Yeah, I'm awesome with my awesome colours, what's it to you?"
"This is my branch - get off!"
The sign says to leave the cups in the box. The lories did not agree.
"I see you with my creepy red eye."
So many brightly coloured birds!
Look how close we got!
After the bird sanctuary we went to the zoo, which was spectacularly awesome and had some truly weird animals:
I forget what these were called, but they were weird and ugly.
False gharial: I'd hate to meet a real one

Then there were the white tigers
Kaelin getting mauled by a tiger statue
The real white tigers who are too cool to maul us
Other awesome animals included the following:
Mongooses! Sleeping in the sun.
Squirrel monkeys! Also sleeping in the sun, though in weird poses.
Fruit bat! Sleeping upside down in the sun.
A common theme for the day involved animals staring at me as I took their pictures:
Mouse deer: "What do you want?"
Baboon: "I really wish you'd go away."

Komodo dragon: "I will eat you if you don't leave."
Giant tortoise: "Please let me sleep."
Jaguar: "Will you feed me?"
Lion: "Seriously, just go away."

Black and white ruffed lemur: freaked out by my picture taking
And now for pictures showing just how close we got to the animals:

Ring-tailed lemur tail and Kaelin's foot!

I wasn't kicking them, they were just too cute!
So cute!
I may have pet his tail...
And finally the obligatory pictures of us making fools of ourselves:

"Ele-Fun Area? Yes, please!"

Kaelin forcing me to be the scale for a very large snake